
Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Received payment for July the 5th and 6th

Ok, slowly payments are coming... here is a pic of my financial stats in Just Been Paid
So now there is still 4 days to be paid out. Will be there soon ;)


  1. I received 5% !!!! JBP is awesome

    1. Way to go :)
      Here is the newest update you can find once you log into your Just Been Paid account:
      "Substantial growth of our member base has necessitated the ongoing optimization of our JSS-Tripler Daily Earning payout system. We are currently completing the processing of Friday's earnings and also combining Saturday, Sunday and Monday earnings into a single payout of up to 5% ... in order to catch up.

      Rest assured that every JSS-Tripler position will always pay out the full 150%. Sorry for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience."
      Awesome ;)

  2. Yes I just got paid my 5% today too! Whew! lol I am happy and know a lot of people were getting a little worried. I can't wait till everything is running 100% full steam!

    Rob =)

  3. The justbeeenpaid liberty reserve n payza withrawal buttons are no longer working. Just wondering if justbeenpaid has gone scam!

    1. Payza is no longer available: it's been exchanged for EgoPay as Payza does not support that kind of "High Risk" businesses anymore ;)
      I don't know about Liberty Reserve as I'm currently not using it...
