
Monday, March 12, 2012

Let's get us started

Today I wanted to start at Just Been Paid with my first triplers. What is a tripler? This is the positions you buy at Just Been Paid that pay you 2% daily on each position. Positions cost $10 each. With 1 position your earnings will be $0,20 per day. Positions last 75 days and after that period of time they expire and do not produce any more money. Till that day your position has made $15. So your initial $10 investment has produced you $5 profit in 75 days.
So today I was going to buy my first poritions (triplers) but after funding my Just Been Paid account and the money being deducted from my AlertPay account, no money was shown at justbeenpaid.... I was not able to buy my triplers. I wanted to buy 4 triplers...
Anyway, I waited a few hours and logged in again but nothing... I should have received an email from JustBeenPaid as well confirming my deposit but no... So what now?
Took a look at the FAQ's and joined the live conference room. Awesome: what a great feature they're using to support their members. I post my question and 5 seconds later I got the reply:
Alertpay is having some kind of problems since this morning and is not working. So there is nothing more I can do but wait for the problem to be resolved.  hope it doesn't take too long as I'm ready to go :)


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