
Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Just joined Just Been Paid!

Ok people, this is my first post to this blog. I just joined Just Been Paid a couple of minutes ago and I decided to write a blog about my progress in this "business" if you can call it like that: As far as I know there is nothing you need to do to start making money with Just Been Paid but buy positions every time you want to. There is no need to sponsor anyone to earn but of course referring other will help you earn more: you get 10% from your level 1 downlines and a 5% of your level 2.
You get $10 free when joining so there is no money out of pocket to get started with Just Been Paid.
You are limited to 250 positions per hour and 500 per day. With a cost of $10 per position who the hell is going to buy that much positions??? :)

Anyway: just joined, got my free $10 and bought my first position with that free money. Now this free money is going to give me 2% daily so tomorrow I should have $0,20 in my account. Now I have $0 :) Here is a snapshot of my current earnings:
As said: tomorrow it should be $0,20 in there. Let's wait and see :)


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